Barely two weeks

When I arrive in the old town of Salida, Colorado, I discover that many of the deer come here to find refuge, escaping the predators of the mountains: coyotes, foxes, eagles, and even bears. It’s the time when the females are ready to give birth, and they prefer being near humans for protection. Once again, a world of opposites, but this time in a way that honors us as humans.

In the evening, I’m overjoyed to discover a little fawn about a week old leaping extraordinary heights; he is like a loaded spring, waiting for his mother who watches him. I bless him wondering if he will know how to live in the mountains far from the humans who protect him.

One of the deer comes to rest after leaving her babies in a safe place. The fawns don’t leave a moment of respite for their mother, whose heavy eyelids show her exhaustion. One of them comes to take a short nap in the garden.
