Conférence à l'Agora : Jeudi 20 avril, 19H30.

Je vous invite à me retrouver avec Lorenza Garcia pour notre conférence: La Roue de Medecine chamanique, comment s'en servir? Suivez le lien pour vous inscrire directement sur le site de l’Agora
De la connaissance ésotérique à l’enseignement pratique

La Roue de Médecine chamanique est sans doute la plus ancienne cosmologie du monde car elle nous vient de l’observation directe de la nature. C’est le premier système qui met les éléments - l’eau, le feu, la terre, l’air - en lien les uns avec les autres, qui nous relie aussi avec la Terre et le Soleil. De nombreux Peuples Racines l’ont mise en place au fil des siècles en rapport avec leur environnement.

La Roue de Médecine est un outil universel de conscience spirituelle car elle parle de la simplicité de l’essentiel ; c’est en approfondissant cette relation que nous pouvons prendre notre vraie place et participer au maintien de son intégrité dans le monde.

Maud Séjournant et Lorenza Garcia vont mettre en mouvement la Roue de Médecine pour que chacun puisse l’intégrer et l’appliquer dans sa vie de manière concrète.

Selon les règles de la pratique de la Roue Médecine, elles feront vivre les forces des 7 directions de ce cercle de vie à travers une présentation interactive musicale.

Les participants repartiront avec des outils précis pour mettre en relation les ressources de la Roue avec leur vie personnelle.

D’après une idée originale du spectacle de Maud Séjournant, The 5th Element*.
The 5th Element est une performance théâtrale interactive entre les acteurs et le public dans lequel une Roue de Médecine est mise en scène. Cette Roue universelle permet au public de se relier à elle et à l’esprit de chaque direction. Le spectacle comprend de la musique, un dialogue et une interaction entre les éléments feu, eau, terre, air – chacun d’entre eux est personnifié par une voix, de la musique et des textes. Lors du spectacle une démarche interactive avec le public donne le moyen d’incorporer, de manière plus personnelle, les fonctions de chaque élément et permettre pour chaque personne d’explorer intérieurement sa propre perception.

Semaine du chamanisme; 25 et 31 octobre 2021

J’ai eu l’honneur et la joie de partager grâce à Ana Sandrea du Sommet de la Conscience mon expérience de 30 ans de pratique et d’enseignement pour que chacun puisse en bénéficier.
En suivant ce lien, vous pourrez avoir accès au témoignage de nombreux autres chamanes et bénéficier de leurs soins et du mien.

Nous avons parlé de l’animal totem; vous pourrez trouver sur le site dans la boutique le voyage chamanique pour rencontrer son animal totem; Nous avons aussi évoqué la Roue de Médecine, qui est un grand sujet que j’approfondis dans mon livre: La spirale intiiatique (Albin Michel).

Neighborhood art fair


Weather was beautiful and I hung my art work on my wall of ivy… a little wonky, the birds in their nest behind were not happy but they survived…. lots of visitors and fun!

The art of the elements

After 2 years of quasi silence on the web, I emerge from it with new paintings that were slowly burgeoning in the darkness of winter and of our forced retreat. What a blessing! My teaching and coaching work has evolved into sharing images . I have let the elements guide me into a new path. As we are made of all four: Earth, Fire, Water and Air, we can explore the different aspects of our true Self to find the core of who we are.

Après deux ans de quasi silence sur le net, je souhaite partager avec vous les peintures qui ont bourgeonné durant notre retraite forcée. Mon travail d’enseignement et de coaching s’est transformé en images. J’ai laissé les éléments me guider dans ce nouveau chemin. Nous sommes faits de terre, d’air , d’eau et de feu. Ils nous servent à explorer les différents aspects de notre Moi .

A part of my studio in Santa Fe

my studio.jpg

Spiral rocks


In one of my favorite sacred places, I found this spiral of rocks inviting us to go always to the center of self.

Form and function

When I see a crane in flight, I am always amazed by the perfection of its wings. The feathers, having both flexibility and strength, allow for flawless flight…have we ever seen a crane miss a landing?




It is said that at twilight all cats are grey. The silhouettes of rocks are carved out of the sky and assume strange forms; it is our turn to play with them, to project our inner universe in order to tell the stories which come to us from the earth. The day I came to see the remains of an ancient eruption in the middle of the desert, I spotted a mysterious, almost disturbing, being. The darkness of the sky and the absence of sunlight lent this entity a sort of clothing that I had never before seen.

Where do babies come from?

I’ve seen drawings of storks carrying small babies in a blanket. I believe cranes could do the same, reminding us that we also come from the sky.


Do cranes share their dreams?


In the early morning, it is a pleasure to share the adventures of last night’s dreams. I wonder what cranes dream of. I have sometimes dreamt of them in my sleep, but I doubt that they care about us. We, humans, are so bold to think that we are the center of the universe!


A foray into the greenhouse of glass flowers in Seattle. The flowers here use light not for survival, but to dazzle us all the more with their beauty. For them, human and fire together transformed the sand into transparent material. Can we be like them?


Leaves of birds


On the branches of the lone tree in the middle of a Bosque lake, dozens of little cold birds have taken shelter for the night. They have taken the place of the leaves lost to autumn. Are they there every night? They are each perfectly in their place and transform the bush into a tree of life. Are we also able to change our expectations, to offer our arms to the unexpected visitor that we might discover a new life?


The falcon is often the totem animal of photographers; it is able to see at great distances and swoop down on its prey; it can perceive beige fur in a field of earth, sudden movements, stirrings. Seeing beyond ordinary appearances. Seeing what is there.


Colors of the desert


Coming to a rocky plateau, one sometimes finds certain inviting shadow zones, canyons filled with mystery: is there a river? Does it flow perennially? Will I find water that will save my life? What shadow within me can harbor a source of new life?


Travel Companions. I think of St. Exupéry: ‘Love is not gazing at each other, but rather gazing together in the same direction.’


Cranes in the water


Last December, I visited the Bosque del Apache; more than 15,000 cranes passed through the marshes near the Rio Grande. The cranes waded for hours through frozen water on the lookout for small insects. What amazes me most is how their long legs support a body as heavy as 5 kg. I wonder which part of me is so delicate and yet so sturdy?


Further along by a beach, it is now time to meet the eagle! I heard him calling his companion, and I could spot him in the tree: such a noble bird. I immediately feel respect for him, and we stay and watch for a while. The second bird comes back and settles below him after intimate and very graceful mimics.

Then we spot another three eagles perched on the top of a tree. Eagles can see an ant from as high as the top of a 10-storey building. Moreover, they perceive colors in a much more powerful way than us… I feel tiny and exposed under his stare… But he wouldn’t act like a crow and fly down to steal my sandwich…



I never saw such quiet waters, maybe because we are sheltered from the wind by the Island of Vancouver. Still, I am amazed to feel so little wind and see no waves. It reminds me of the Croatian Islands in the Adriatic Sea where I went with my son a few years ago.

But today, I met animals that fascinate me very much, seals: so awkward on shore and yet wonderful swimmers once immersed. They have no visible ears and smaller fins than sea lions. I could spend hours watching them.

Who’s coming, he wonders. I hope he is not going to dive and disappear… no, he looks at me for a few seconds and then ignores me. I would love to paint his fingernails pink…


Around the islands

To discover animals, it is best to get close in a quiet manner. The kayak is probably the best way to do this… especially as the weather is very calm. I’ve rarely seen such flat waters!

Another one is watching us

Another one is watching us

Some swans are passing by… And this is just the beginning!!

Some swans are passing by… And this is just the beginning!!


Animals and people do get along here. Every morning and evening in my friend’s garden, some does and fawns show up. Here are a few touching “Bambis”. Their white dots on the back disappear when they reach six months old (again their precious camouflage).
